- AUGUST 2000
ISSI NOHO - First Snow (Acetate Ltd)
Issi Noho benefits from all the tricks of the trade, with Berer-esque bass
booms and a constant trancey synth hiding in the background. Acetate remains
a label to watch for.MUZIK - AUGUST 2000
#4 ISSI NOHO - First Snow
Some reviews we've picked up along the way... Bear with us, we're in the process of uploading these! :-) |
Latest News
29 Dec 2011
Many thanks to everyone who supported us at the Kirkgate earlier this month - special thanks to Jordan, Jonathan, & Dean for their awesome sets.
The gig saw our esteemed bass guitarist Gareth Iddon sadly ending his long run with the Issi Noho live project - I'm sure he'll still be dragged in to the studio every now & again to help out though! ;-) Thanks Gareth and best of luck with your new ventures.
Finally, we'd like to wish you all a very happy & prosperous this space for our new look website too!! :-)11 Oct 2011
More acts announced for the Kirkgate gig in December. See under "Gigs" above...06 Oct 2011
Some exciting gig news just released - see "Gigs" above (fancy that) :-)
Also watch this space for news (potentially) of some more interesting collaborations and to hear the latest remix of Your Sin...coming soon.28 July 2011
Updates to Reviews, Links, and Releases pages as well as some new tracks on the Sounds page!25 July 2011
Many thanks to everyone who came along & supported us on our 'mini World Tour' over the last couple of weeks, really appreciated.Early indications from the charity gig at Hodgitt's in St Bees suggests we raised over £500 for the RNLI & 1st Responders which is great :-)
Hope we didn't confuse too many people with our 'electronica' set, following two rock great rock bands I suspect we took people a bit by suprise - thanks to Untamed & Radio Silence for playing too....really good to watch them both. There's some early 'phone-footage' of us playing here, although you may have to twist your head to watch it all ;-). May also be some photos along these lines to come....Cockermouth Rock Festival seemed to go well, managed to totally clear us out of promo CDs, so that can't be a bad thing - suspect they just made good frisbees in the sun the next day ;-)
Thanks to Danny & Eldon for inviting us along to play again & to Steve & co for covering FOH & lighting duties so incredibly well - cheers all.Watch this space for more photos, videos, and details of where you can see us playing in the not too distant future...oh, did I mention the new track?! ("Your Sin" , another Rothery/Tubman collboration trialled over the course of the last couple of weekends)! :-)
02 July 2011
Rehersals are well underway for the charity gig in St Bees later this month (16th) - it's almost sold out so let us know asap if you want to come along but don't yet have a ticket!If anyone's in the vicinity of the Kirkgate theatre, Cockermouth, on the 19th July a new Emma Rydal play entitled "True" is being premiered (prior to running the following week in Manchester) which features original music by Issi Noho - tickets available from the Kirkgate booking office. Defnitely worth checking out!
Waiting to hear when we're playing at the Cockermouth Rock Festival the following weekend (22nd-24th July) so watch this space for details.....
...and courtesy of a certain Mr Sean McGinty (cheers for the support Sean, really appreciated!) :-)
28 May 2011
Lots of gig news!!
The March charity event in St Bees has now been rescheduled for 16th July; tickets will be available @ £5/head from next week - the venue has a limited capacity so book early!
We'll be playing alongside the fresh, up & coming band "Untamed", as well as the ever popular & super talented "Radio Silence" so it's looking set to be a great evening! :-)We've also been asked back to the Cockermouth Rock Festival the following weekend so watch this space for details of when we'll be appearing!
Thirdly, we're in discussions around a possible Electro-night in Cockermouth later on this year...TBC!
More info on the 'gig' tab above.
23 March 2011
Couple of exciting releases from Elliptic for you to check out!
Elliptic 1st year compilation mix album featuring "She's A Gun" CD out now via this link (official release date 1st May 2011) :-)L'Eau Mirror EP out to download from all the usual outlets from 05th April 2011
15 Feb 2011
Unfortnuately the 19th March gig has had to be postponed - not for too long though so watch this space for updates :-)09 Feb 2011
Happy New Year ;-)
Charity Concert News - see under "Gigs" above!
Apparently tickets are strictly limited and are selling out very fast (they've maybe not heard us before!) - we're currently trying to obtain a handful so if anyone fancies coming along let us know asap & we'll see what we can do.
The Ladder EP now available through all notable download sites....incase you haven't bought a copy yet!02 Dec 2010
The Ladder EP out now on Asnazzy - exclusive to Juno Download, then on all the usual 'suspects' (Amazon, iTunes, etc) from next week ish :-)25 Nov 2010
Two (!) new releases coming very this space (or checkout the Images page for a hint ;-) )30 Oct 2010
Latest Freenotes music library release - Industrial Dance:Also, quite a few other things in the pipeline at the moment, so keep checking back regularly! :-)
Latest gadget has finally arrived!!
Daisy Elise Smith, born 9:40pm on 22nd September, 8lb 8oz. :-)16 Sept 2010
Few new mixes pretty much completed - see under "Tracks" for more info.
(No sign of sproglette yet - due today so likely takes after Nick!)09 Sept 2010
Quite a few things to tell you about this time so here goes...
- Many thanks to Damien & Tom (Headfunk show) on Vectis Radio (Isle of Wight) for their comments and for playing Sanctuary in the run up to this years Bestival. If you missed it there's an edited version here! You should check 'em out - Friday evening's 5-7pm, very cool.
- Asnazzy Productions have just released a Dust to Dawn promo video on YouTube which can be found here...nice one Allen. Also on the Asnazzy front, Dust to Dawn has now been accepted on Digitally Imported Inc ,the huge internet radio station network!
- Meanwhile, we've been working on recording three of our live tracks and producing a few remixes of this space!
Think that'll do for the moment, keep checking back :-) xx15 Aug 2010
Sanctuary's now on You Tube - along with some of the visuals we use for our live show. Check it out here and maybe even subscribe to TheIssiNoho channel?! :-)10 Aug 2010
Dust to Dawn has charted in the well known Italian DJ/musician Alexander Robotnick's August Top 20
:-)02 Aug 2010
Latest track, Dust To Dawn, available here:28 July 2010
Few photos from the Cockermouth Rock Festival added (courtesy of Jenny B, thankyou :-) ) - see under Images!20 July 2010
Many thanks to everyone who supported us at Cockermouth Rock Festival last weekend and thanks also to Danny @ The Mighty Boof for arranging things, the sound tech' for helping give it the bass it deserves, and Andy at ;-)
We had a great time, although I'm still far from recovered from it all today.
In other news...(!!)...we're now in talks with Asnazzy Productions in America so watch this space for info on a potential US release! :-)28 June 2010
Added some more album artwork (see under Images) for anyone managing to blag a free Promo CD at our live shows - useful for your mp3 players maybe :-)23 June 2010
NiNe EP was released on Elliptic Records last week - checkout Amazon or iTunes...maybe even review it?! ;-)
Features NiNe, Free Fall, and She's a Gun.
Other exciting news, next gig now confirmed! - Dance Tent at this years Cockermouth Rock Festival. Click on "Gigs" above for more details.31 May 2010
Back in rehersals adding a handful of new tracks to the live set and re-jigging the old sets following the test run last month.
We've also been busy in the studio, new track here.
Let us know what you think :-)19 April 2010
A very big thankyou to everyone who came along to support us at the live set 'test run' last Friday night...can you believe we finally managed to sort ourselves out?! :-)
Hope it lived up to expectations and you all had a cool night. There's some photos (courtesy of Jenny B) under images.
Thanks again...keep watching this space to find out when the 1st 'proper gig' may occcur ;-)Stop Press....Stop Press....Stop Press.....
Take a look over at for details of the next Issi Noho release, due out 15th June!
(Big hello to all @ Elliptic! Cheers Guys)15 Mar 2010
Happy New Year!!
Quite a bit going on at the moment (including a few developments not mentioned below) - so watch this space for updates...yeah, ok....maybe ;-)
Have a look under Gigs for the latest news on the "Ambitious Project", date for your diaries?!
We're also back in the studio with Mazzoni so fingers crossed for a deserving follow up to She's a Gun.
All things considered pretty hectic.
AND...on top of all that Nat's pregnant!!! Nick's keen to know how old they have to be before they can make cups of tea, snowboard, and generally help out in the studio (think he's rather chuffed!) :-)12 Dec 2009
So a quick update while it's still 2009!
The live project's now almost ready to go so keep an eye on the website in Jan/Feb for more info (fingers crossed).
Also, check out this clip from Bob Fisher's (BBC Radio) show last week (it may take a little while to load) - cheers Bob!
And finally, may we take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the Festive Season and 2010.
Nick & Neil13 Aug 2009
Following on from the shock (?!) inclusion of vocals & guitar on the last track (they're a bit good though!) we thought you may like to hear this, recorded just after 11pm last night....NiNe (Undercover Alien Electro Mix)...another unexpected twist?! Worth pointing out this was designed for big speakers so watch your PC if you're just going to play it through the little inbuilt ones (actually, it'll probably just ignore all the bass!) ;-)5 Aug 2009
Hot off the press, Issi Noho vs Mazzoni - She's A Gun :-)11 June 2009
Work on the 'ambitious live project' is now coming together, hoping to set something up for late summer. If you fancy dropping in on rehersals to let us know what you think give me a shout! :-)
I'll upload the latest track (remix mentioned below) when the guys from Mazzoni have heard it and the finishing touches are this space!01 Jan 2009
Happy New Year!!
I've updated the track listings, gig info, and added some new photos.
We're also starting work on a collaboration with a very well known local this space!11 March 2008
Thought it was about time I posted something - been a while, sorry! Couple of new tracks in the pipeline, one finished & tested at Dalston Hall over Christmas...Have a look under the Gigs section for some other news!30 October 2007
We've pretty much completed the live track - uses a rather blatant sample so will probably stick to it being a track just to play live for the moment!
(or I suppose you could try here!! ;-) )15 August 2007
Pretty much completed the ambisonics project - apparently it's going to be used in the new 3D surround sound space being installed in Workington, first in the country! Quite a few local people have contributed so it should be worth checking out - some of the other tracks I heard were excellent. There was talk of a smaller version (setup in a geodesic (sp?!) sphere) that was to make an appearnace at this years Solfest but I never saw it? Speaking of which, some great bands on at the festival this year - managed to miss Ozric Tentacles but I made a point of catching System 7 who were superb, along with Ben's Brother (name of the act rather than the bloke, although I think his brother is called Ben....) and a lady on the drystone wall stage who did some amazing renditions of classic stuff, like Pinball wizzard...coooool!
Live project is still in te "coming along" stages and a new track which we've written especially for this will hopefully be completed in the not too distant future - I'll maybe stick it on the site so you can let me know what you think! Oh, and we now have a slightly better Myspace page which you can see here...I've finally uploaded a few tunes on there and had a mess about with the colours so hope you like it!
Bye for now.12 June 2007
Just a quick update for anyone looking in - there's a new track in the pipeline, and the live project is coming along quite nicely at the moment (touch wood) with a number of tracks 'updated' and arrangements sorted out. We've also been out & about recording for an ambisonics project - more soon......oh, and thanks to everyone that's signed up for the newsletter so far. If you haven't already, click on the contact button above and it should hopefully be obvious what you have to do from there. Take care all :-)06 March 2007
Started work on an 'infrequent' (!) Issi ainNoho newsletter to keep you up to date with the latest goings on - click on the contact button above to sign up...go on!10 Feb 2007
Managed to track down the photos from the tabla sessions - I'll have to sort them out properly before I upload them so in the mean time here's a sneek preview -> Click here!07 Feb 2007
Hellooooo!!! We're back after nearly a year away - well not away as such, just not really had chance to update the site...sorry!
So, what have we been up to, and why no updates??
Well - Nick's finally bought a house and everyone's been snowboarding again :-)
House move meant moving the website to a new machine which has taken some doing.
Music wise we've had the pleasure of an awesome tabla player to sample (so to speak!) which you can hear in the latest track, as yet only known by it's working title "Techno Breaks" which perhaps does (but more likely doesn't to be fair) give an idea of what it's like. I'll try to stick some pic's up from the 'Tabla Sessions'; 1st draft of the new track is up for you to check out under the Sounds section now though (although the conversion to mp3 seems to have made it a bit quiet so I'll have to tweek it a bit I think).
However, the bigger news is that we've started work on a couple of projects. The first being a follow up to the Urban Freestyler DVD (more when I have any info), and the second...........potentially, possibly, ambitious live event ;-) We've drafted in the assistance of two percussionists and a guitarist to 'bulk out' the stage line up (for want of a better phrase) and are in the process or writing live parts for them as well as devising set lists, updating arrangements and...well can't give away too much just yet can I! More as it unfolds under "Gigs".
Anyway, glad to be back - hope everyone's well and I'll chat again soon :-)16 March 2006
Instantly download Issi Noho tracks as mp3s - now available on the Cumbria Electro Music site (see banner on the left!). To test out the system we have agreed to make both of the 'retro' acid trance Cyber Panda albums available (but only for a limited time period!) :-)
Also, if you were unable to find a copy of the latest Issi Noho album, "One Night This Week" which is now sold out, we've put that on there too. Gadget!13 March 2006
Fluid Studios online shop (includes Issi Noho merchandise!) updated to allow you to change item colours - more choice...nice :-)06 March 2006
Work is underway to make all the Issi Noho CDs available for sale as 'instant' mp3 downloads very soon this space.06 February 2006
Just back from the Alps - check out the 'publicity photo' under Images! ;-) (Hello to Jean our superstar chalet host if she's watching too)3 January 2006
Some new photos (well, one!) uploaded from the One Night This Week sessions.01 January 2006
A Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous New Year from Issi Noho :-)20 December 2005
Down to the last couple of CDs now - and "No!" the reason stocks were down to single figures wasn't because we'd only pressed up 10!! :-)
Anyway - if I remember there may be some new photots up in the next day or so, but we'll see.
In the meantime
Merry Christmas love from Nick & Neil xx19 December 2005
DVD of The Urban Freestyler arrived in the post's an amazing film (featuring the Issi Noho track "Clear Air Turbulance"). Check out for more info.17 November 2005
Back in the studio after a month or so sorting out the new album. Quite funny really, glad we don't pay for studio time! Anyway we've finally made a start on our new 'ambitious' project...more soon ;-)08 November 2005
Stocks of the new album are down to single figures already - many thanks indeed to everyone who's supported us & bought the CD. If you don't have a copy yet, better be quick!10 October 2005
New CD album "One Night This Week" now available here (they arrived in the post this evening! :-) )02 October 2005
New Issi Noho website launched!
Other Links
Martin Courier Service
The Urban Freestyler
Gadgetry Links
Sound on Sound
Theatre - Cockermouth
December 17th 2011
Set List:
Christmas Intro
The Ladder
Modulator II
L'Eau Mirror
Dust To Dawn
Free Fall
Altered Carbon
First Snow
She's A Gun
Clear Air Turbulance
Your Sin
Watch this space for news of more live shows!
Selection |
![]() |
Track |
Size |
on |
Sin |
12.5Mb | N/A |
Fall |
1.7Mb | Elliptic
Records |
Ladder (Radio Edit)
5.6Mb | Asnazzy
Recordings |
Issi Noho CDs & MP3s online
Cumbria Electro Music
Buy other Issi Noho merchandise from the Fluid Studios Online Shop: